Abnormal Psychology and Mental Disorders
What is Abnormal Psychology?
Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that examines abnormal behavioral, emotional, and thinking patterns. or which may or may not be understood as predisposing to a mental disorder. Many behaviors may be considered abnormal, but this specialty deals with behaviors in general clinical contexts.

Mental Disorder Study involves:
- Definition: What do you mean by “mental disorder”?
- Classification- How to differentiate between different mental disorders?
- Explanation: How to understand mental disorders?
- Treatment: How to treat mental illness?
In general, the concept of “mental disorder” can be defined as:
- Culturally independent, bio-medical, value-free concept.
- Culturally relative, value-based, social concept.
Definitions to be Discussed:
Mental disorder as a:- “statistical deviation” “dysfunction” “personal discomfort” “maladaptive behavior” “norm or value violation”
1. Mental Disorder as a Statistical Deviation
When ability, behavior, or experience is extremely different from the average.
- We like to use the term disorder to describe some statistically frequent conditions.
- “Positive” and “negative” deviations are indistinguishable.
- We don’t want to classify all “negative deviance as a disorder.”
2. Mental disorder as a dysfunction
→ A person has a mental disorder when the mental process is not intended to perform natural functions.
- Natural selection does not “design” processes.
- A wide range of adaptive functioning exists for many processes across people and situations (fear responses).
- Many things that we call a disorder may actually be adaptive responses.
3. Mental disorder as a personal discomfort
→ If one is facing personal hardships.
What about someone who takes drugs or believes they are receiving messages from outer space – what kind of suffering?
4. Mental disorder as a bad behavior
→ If one engages in behavior that prevents him from meeting the needs of life.
There are situations that people should not adapt to. This approach emphasizes “fitting in” as ultimately important
5. Mental Disorder as a “Norm/Value Violation”.
→ If one experiences and exhibits behavior that is inconsistent with society’s norms and values.
- Behavior i.e. harmful to self or others.
- Poor real communication.
- Emotional reactions of an inappropriate nature.
- Erratic Behavior
- What if the breach is the result of external circumstances?
- Such criteria are too arbitrary and open to abuse.
Types of Mental Disorders / Abnormal Psychology
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Attention Disorder (Deficit or Hyperactivity)
- Bipolar Disorder
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Dissociative Disorders
- Dual Diagnostic and Integrated Treatment of Mental Illness & Substance Abuse Disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Major Depression
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Panic Disorder
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Schizoaffective Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Anxiety disorder; is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Suicide
- Tourette’s Syndrome
Few Disorders in Depth
- Hypochondria
Characterized by the preoccupation with normal body sensations and their interpretation and body functions.
Physicians’ reassurances only increase the hypochondriac’s constant anxiety about their health.
- Anxiety disorders
Real or imagined fears that are difficult to overcome or control.
14% of children aged 9-16 experience an anxiety disorder each year.
- Bipolar disorder
Extreme changes in mood, energy level, and behavior.
Manic: Extremely high.
Depression: Very low.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Repetitive behaviors (compulsions) such as hand washing, cleaning, counting, and checking are often performed with the hope of preventing or driving away obsessive thoughts.
Performing the so-called “rituals”, described earlier, provides relief for a while, and not performing them increases anxiety.
- Depression
- Prolonged feelings of helplessness/sadness or depression.
- Clinical depression: >= 2 weeks
- Depression clip
→ Types of depression
- Major: Acute (lasts for years)
- Mild: less severe (lasts weeks or months)
- Adjustment Disorder: Reaction to a specific life event (divorce, break-up, job loss, etc.)
→ Causes and effects of depression
The reasons can be physical, psychological, and social
Medical conditions
Traumatic events
Social or environmental: poverty or physical/mental environment.
→ Symptoms of depression
- Constantly sad and “empty” feelings
- Feeling hopeless and/or pessimistic
- Feeling guilty, worthless, and/or helpless
- Irritability, restlessness
- Loss of interest in activities/hobbies that were once enjoyable
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Difficulty in concentrating, remembering, and decision making
- Insomnia, waking up early morning, or prolonged sleep
- Overeating, or loss of appetite
- Suicidal thoughts
- Persistent aches, headaches, cramps/digestive problems
6. Panic disorder
→ An uncontrollable panic response to normal situations of non-threatening nature.
Symptoms of Panic Disorder:
sweat; hot or cold flashes; suffocating or smothering sensations; racing heartbeat; difficulty breathing; Vibrating chest pain; faintness; numbness nausea disorientation; A feeling of losing control, or losing one’s mind.
Panic attacks usually last 10-15 minutes. A person may feel somewhat anxious after experiencing a panic attack.
7. Phobias
Irrational, unintentional, and inappropriate fear in normal circumstances.
People often experience panic attacks when they encounter a situation or object about which they feel fear.
8. Post-traumatic disorder
An anxiety disorder occurs after experiencing an event of a traumatic nature that causes intense fear, helplessness, or panic.
Examples: war, natural disaster, rape, accident, etc.
Mental disorders can be serious but they can be treated. Treating disorders takes time, persistence, and patience.